If you’ve ever watched or played tennis or squash you will have an idea of how Rally Clays works.
There are seven traps in front of two shooting positions.
On a coin toss one shooter chooses a side and the other shooter chooses to either shoot first or second.
The shooter with the honour of shooting first calls pull and trap one is thrown. You have full use of the gun (no semi-autos) at this target.
If you break it, trap two is immediately thrown for the other shooter also having full use.
If they break it, trap three is immediately thrown for you and back and forth and so on until you get to trap seven.
Trap seven is thrown twice (so you are not always shooting the same birds in the point) and then you go back and forth back down the traps in sequence (six, five four, three, two, one - which is also thrown twice, like seven, and back up through the traps again).
As soon as someone misses a clay they lose the point.
If you run out of cartridges you lose the point.
First to five points wins the match.
How ‘Rally Clays’ works